As part of the Zasulauka Manufactory Park project, the existing sports field in the area near the Zasulauka Manufactory buildings was improved by laying a new surface and installing new basketball hoops. A new outdoor exercise set is located next to the field. Four new benches and two waste bins have been installed. Stairs, a wooden terrace with a bench, as well as a wooden footbridge have been built by the park’s pond. The historic pedestrian path near the sports field has been restored.
Improvement of Zasulauka manufactory park
Housing and Environment Department of Riga City Council
Ruta Beināre, representative of the Association for Zasulaukas and Šampēterim, tells about the implemented project:
“Pirms diviem gadiem, kad gatavojām projekta pieteikumu, zaļā teritorija pie vecās manufaktūras bija aizmirsts apkaimes nostūris, kam iedzīvotāji meta līkumu. Parka dīķis bija iemantojis Līķu dīķa nosaukumu, un vietējie stāstīja leģendas par tajā nogremdētu tanku un žiguli. Pašvaldība bija sākusi teritorijas sakopšanu, un tas ļāva ieraudzīt šīs vietas potenciālu un noticēt, ka te var būt parks. Projektam noticēja arī daudzi tuvāko apkaimju iedzīvotāji!"